Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hmong Relocation

Ooops, had this one saved as a draft for a while.

When someone fights on your side in a war in a war you lose, you shouldn't let them get persecuted.

I hope everyone can spare thoughts and prayers for these folks who are being forcibly relocated.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Free Iran

While a fraction of Americans gnash our teeth about health insurance the Iranian people struggle for their basic freedoms. Will the theocracy end? What government system would replace it?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

HP Computers are Racist?

Pretty tough for an object to be racist but it sure seems like HP's new tracking webcam solution wasn't designed or tested with black folks in mind.

As someone who has been working in the field for many years now, I can state that black folks seem to be very underrepresented in the rank and file of technology workers. With the variation in skin tones and facial structures you will never get a tracking camera to capture everyone but apparently failing to track such huge portions of the American and world populations... Wow, what a mistake. Hopefully the tech companies take note and revise their testing matrices.

I bet some folks of African descent were just transferred in to or hired by HP's Quality Assurance department for this product and that the next version will work better for everyone.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Some people need extra work to supplement holiday spending. In this economy, some folks just need work.

Someone passed along 1150's story covering hiring by Uncle Sam's Census Department. A great way to serve your country and make some money! Here's the official posting.

Unemployment is high but there are jobs out there. Here's the Press Gannett's jobs site. And here's the State of WI site.

The site is currently down but At Issue host Ben Marens of Wisconsin Public Radio also hosts a Job Line once a month. It's quite an opportunity to sell yourself to a large audience. Some do well, some not so much-- please consider practicing your pitch a bit before you call in. (Looks like Ben's site is currently down, in the meantime here's the google cache.)

I believe that everyone willing to work should have the opportunity. Good luck. Even though it can be hard, keep trying until you get a yes!

Donation Matching

A sincere thank you to the anonymous donors helping out in these tough economic times.

Freedom House is struggling with a budget shortfall and someone has stepped up to match donations

Also anonymous is the donor matching red kettle contributions for the Salvation Army

I hope you are in a position to consider taking advantage of these opportunities to make your dollars count double.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

U-turns legal!

Love em or hate em, u-turns will now be legal in WI. This was just sent out by the Chief of Police:

2009 Wisconsin Act 97
Effective Date: January 1, 2010
Current law prohibits U-turns at all controlled intersections. Beginning 1/1/2010, Wisconsin Act 97 will permit U-turns at controlled intersections UNLESS signs are installed to indicate the maneuver is prohibited by the unit of government responsibility for maintaining the intersection (state, county, municipality).

U-turns will have to be made from the leftmost turn lane in the same fashion as a conventional left turn. Vehicles on the intersecting street attempting to turn right-on-red must yield to the U-turning vehicle.

No backing will be permitted as part of the U-turn, so drivers will have to be familiar with their vehicle’s turning radius. U-turns will also be prohibited on curves and hillcrests where visibility is less than 500 feet.

The new U-turn law will help traffic engineers in controlling traffic on divided highways. It will also reduce issues/costs associated with condemnation where highway projects result in median closings, since reasonable access to businesses and residences across the highway median should now be possible via U-turns.

Also under Wisconsin Act 97, beginning 1/1/2010, passing a left-turning vehicle on the right using a PAVED shoulder will be permitted. This reverses the 2001 Kaufman v. Postle decision.

This does NOT mean that a driver can pass a slower-moving vehicle on the right using the shoulder – the vehicle being passed MUST be making a left turn.

Also, the vehicle making the pass on the right MUST keep all four wheels on the pavement or paved shoulder.

I wonder how many "no u-turn" sign requests will come through the Traffic Commission? And what about those few places where we have "right turn on green arrow only" signs, will u-turns technically be legal or is that a form of left turn?

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Help the Green Bay Fire Department bring home a $10,000.00 fire safety award by filling out a survey. Time is running out before the end of the year so go fill out ten multiple choice questions about fire safety and help bring home that ten grand!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Firearm Discharge Rules

Assistant City Attorney Wachowicz wrote an article for the East Shore Drive Neighborhood Association newsletter about the hunting situation. Discharge of a firearm within the East Shore Drive and Nicolet Drive Neighborhood Associations illegal per Green Bay ordinance 27.603.

Police Chief Arts sends out this summary of the rules which states, "They must be however 200 feet away from waterline where it is zoned residential."

While the city ends at the water line, Brown County ordinance (31.02(3)) says it's a violation when someone, "Engages in the discharging of a firearm in the waters of Green Bay within the geographic limits of Brown County in that area; which is within 100 feet of the bulkhead shoreline as determined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and also which is located adjacent to shorelands zoned residential by the adjoining municipality." My understanding is that the bulkhead line is the middle of the dike in most places but only west of about the 2700 block of East Shore Drive. The county will have all the details on this one...

Of course, The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has laws covering hunting. Also, here's a list of hunting seasons.

So what happens when someone violates the law? There are those few who choose to ignore or stretch the law but most are simply unaware that there are any applicable local laws. In the past, I have printed out a copy of the city ordinance and hand delivered it. I know that other constituents have also approached hunters and politely let them know that they are breaking the law when shooting while from the land. Ignorance of the law is no excuse but education of the law can bring the desired results more quickly. It can also be an uncomfortable situation. Don't try it if you are too uncomfortable or fear for your safety!

To report violations of the city or county ordinances, contact the Green Bay Police Department 448-3200. Green Bay Officers are authorized to enforce county ordinances each year. If it's an emergency situation call 911 instead.

The Wisconsin DNR phone number for questitons is 1-888-WDNRINFo (1-888-936-7463). The 24 hour tipline to report violations is 1-800-TIP-WDNR (1-800-847-9367).

The Chief of Police has designated Commander Lisa Sterr (rhymes with chair) as the point person for this issue. If you have concerns about enforcement please feel free to contact the Commander at or her direct line 448-3186. Of course, you can contact me as well. If the violation is ongoing, please call the police first!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Most Wanted

Here's the Green Bay 10 most wanted list

Here's Brown County's 10 most wanted. One wonders at the odds defied that the ten most wanted people by a single law enforcement agency serving a diverse citizenry would all apparently be Hispanic/Latino...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Jobs - Good and Bad News

GP is laying off 158.

We won the VA Center. Construction jobs during the build and then 200 jobs to staff.

Google CEO Speech Commentary

Google does seems to be slowly taking over the world. They build the fastest, cleanest, most useful products. But they also keep track of everything. Now their offering a free DNS service... that means not only will they have access to your entire search history but every domain you've visited.

It's good to see someone out there poking a little fun at the goog but making some serious points along the way.

Google Wave

Based on the demo it looks like real time chat combined with email. Wonder what else it can do?

Should be interesting to play with this thing if I can find the time. Hope google doesn't throw me out of the limited beta if it turns out I don't.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Literacy Green Bay and Happy Joe's

"Reading is a ladder out of poverty. It is probably
one of the best anti-poverty, anti-depravation, anti-crime, anti-vandalism policies you can think of." U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, launching the National Year of Reading 2008

Seems to me that Prime Minister Brown is probably right. If you agree, please support Literacy Green Bay by printing out this flier and bringing it along to dinner at Happy Joe's on Wednesday, December 2.

A big thank you to Happy Joe's for donating 20% of their sales that night for customers who bring a flier! Hope to see you there!

Monday, November 16, 2009

The War Against Boys, Chapter 1

I'm not sure how I stumbled across this (NY Times, login required) but once I started reading I had to finish. When pointed out, the overwhelming anecdotes seems obvious. Boys do drop out and get expelled more. More girls do go seem to continue on to college. There's no doubt in my mind that an organization pushing their cause can unintentionally hurt others. I wonder if that really is the case here? I'd love to read more on the opposing side, especially if they work to respond directly to this book.

Aside: While not closed yet, I understand the gender equity gap in salary is slowly shrinking. I also understand that women are weathering this recession far better than men. I wonder, how will expectations and customs change if women end up bringing more home more often than not? Could that happen before real job creation starts up again in this country? Will the waitress start setting the bill next to my wife instead of me in a few years? Will wedding officiators eventually say, Mrs. and Mr. when presenting the groom and bride? Could we find a better balance along the way or will the social pendulum over-swing first as it often does?

Bringing this back to education, I guess it makes sense to me that you should gather information on groups. But use that information to address the needs of individuals. After all, the primary goal of schools should be to produce well educated individuals. Right?

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Balance and Choices

I recently attended People Supporting People. It was a great experience. My sincere thanks to everyone who participated and especially to those that made it happen.

Note: This is far more introspective and wordy than my normal LOTD fare so stop reading now if you don't want to read me naval gazing.

There were many insights and lessons to be gained. Some I already knew, many I recognized as things I could improve. One that's been stuck bouncing around my brain is that you have to take care of yourself before you take care of others. Since my brain seems to be stuck on that theme, I'm going to put down a few thoughts...

One thing I already knew is that serving others-- taking care of someone else's needs-- makes me feel good. It is fulfilling. Those rewarding moments can make me put up with a big pile of downside.

But a few corollaries to the rule also occurred to me:

* Sometimes the action desired or given isn't positive for the giver and/or the receiver. People do hurtful and self destructive things all the time.

* Self before others already implies that there is not enough of oneself to to meet all needs. It follows that even when you put yourself first, you still have to choose between other competing needs.

Time is the most limited commodity in my life. I have to prioritize things. (BTW, thanks for Steve and Linda for their part in helping this lesson to hit home when we went out for Pizza.) Balancing day job, night job, self, family and friends simply isn't possible sometimes. Those last three seem to suffer the most, unfortunately. One friend has half jokingly told me multiple times that I should hire a scheduler. What a wonderful thought but not really practical.

* Taking care of yourself first can involve taking care of others at the same time.

Asking my wife to attend an event with me is a positive for the organization, my wife and me. But sometimes skipping that event and staying home to play Civilization together for hours is a better choice. (Yes, even when I end up with cities razed and her gifting me troops to keep my country from being overrun.) Spending time with others, especially family, is also a part of taking care of yourself.

Do I have an answer? Well, this moment is a fine example. I sit here writing this. After I hit save, I'll probably get in to the budget book and packet to prepare for meetings next week. I also have a test environment on this laptop that should have been finished on Friday that isn't going to get done this weekend as I hoped. And never you mind the two levels of Dungeon Keeper II I tore through today instead of mowing the lawn. I guess sometimes meeting your own needs can be self destructive too. So, no, I have no answers. Sleep is a need too.

One conclusion I've come to is that I need to make better choices for myself. I am self destructive too often. Another is that to take care of myself I also need to be more selective about how I take care of others.

PSP is an excellent program helping people understand each other and get along. For me it has helped me analyze this area of concern in my life. I have already started making changes. I will continue to make changes. Some easy, some difficult. I will continue to serve others but I must also take care of myself.

Since you made it this far, thanks for reading!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Business and Engineering Ethics

Be warned: I saw an f-bomb on the page in a quote from the CEO. I'd imagine it's also in the video if you watch it.

"Mafia Wars CEO Brags About Scamming Users From Day One" from The Consumerist

Perhaps this company and others are shamed in to more polite and ethical behavior once they are popular. Even so, why risk it when you know they still spam your friends without your knowledge and admit to previously installing code that steals your network bandwidth and computer cycles? Both are outside the bounds of moral and ethical behavior in my book.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Budget Time!

The mayor's proposed 2010 budget is up. All comments, opinions and thoughts welcome!

The Hispanic/Latino diversity outreach position at the police department is out. Methinks that one deserves a vote from the floor. What do you see?

Monday, November 9, 2009

County Amnesty Days

Know someone who has an outstanding county warrant? Maybe you were unable to pay that non-criminal ticket and never showed up in court? If so there is an opportunity to solve the problem without going to jail:

Amnesty times are:

* 1 p.m., Friday, in Branch 2, Judge Mark Warpinski, 100 S. Jefferson St., Green Bay, (920) 448-4112

* 1 p.m., Nov. 20, in Branch 5, Judge Marc Hammer, 100 S. Jefferson St., Green Bay, (920) 448-4118

I'm guessing Friday is this Friday, Nov 13. The 20th is the next Friday. 100 S. Jefferson is the court house downtown.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Legal Closed Session?

There are reasons for government officials to sometimes hold parts of meetings in "closed session". One example is that everyone has a right to medical and employment privacy. To protect those rights, government bodies can go in to closed session. Another is when negotiating. A third example is when the body is conferring with a lawyer. There are others but the basic idea is that there is a good reason to go in to "closed session" to keep certain information secret. Wisconsin law covers when it's allowed.

How does a company's, "presentation to show that it can save the county money if it handles duties that are currently managed by the county planning department" fit in to that?

In a previous article about secret meetings on this same planning privatization topic, '[Chair] Zima said a "well-known person in the community" initially made contact with Patrick Engineering.' I'm curious, who?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dogs and Poultry

At my Mom's house in California we used to have ducks, chickens, cats and dogs. The two ducks roamed free through the three acre property. Then, one day, some sort of predator moved in. We had a Mallard named Sir Francis Drake and a Muscovy named Mertle. She could fly, he couldn't. So what did he do? Well, Francis moved in to the dog house with our hound mutt named Red. Red didn't seem to mind the company but I do think he minded the fleas that came along with his house guest.

This story reminded me of that.

Monday, October 26, 2009

5 Myths About Health Care Around the World

With congress grinding away on healthcare bills this article caught my eye. There are several interesting points that make sense to me. This one really hit home with me: '...the most persistent myth of all: that America has "the finest health care" in the world. We don't. In terms of results, almost all advanced countries have better national health statistics than the United States does. In terms of finance, we force 700,000 Americans into bankruptcy each year because of medical bills. In France, the number of medical bankruptcies is zero. Britain: zero. Japan: zero. Germany: zero.'

That and an MRI being a $1500 here and a hundred bucks in Japan.

My overly simple solutions:

* Make all risk sharing pools that cover basic needs non-profit. At the very least, give co-ops a meaningful advantage through tax code or some other mechanism.

* Require them to cover anyone who applies for the same price. I believe this will result in pushing the industry to look seriously at wellness and prevention.

* It bothered me when I asked a doctor, "How much does this cost?" and they couldn't answer my question. They then asked why it mattered to me since insurance was paying for it. So I'd like to see a cap what the insurance companies can pay so that everyone is responsible for a small fraction of every bill they generate. If I have to pay 1% or even 0.1% of my bills-- every bill-- you better believe I'll shop around.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Annoyed by FaceBook Innovations

Facebook keeps trying to improve their service. I don't doubt their intentions but it's almost as frustrating as when Microsoft changes the menus on the version of Office every few years. FB seems to change something every month or two. I like the content of the News Feed but it's in some psuedo-random order... Like everyone else, I'll probably just deal with the annoyance until I get used to it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Younkers Deal & Insurance Note

This all started well before I was elected. It's unfortunate that well intentioned elected officials spoke directly to the opposing party undermining our negotiating position. I suspect, we could have settled long ago if the entire council acted professionally and presented a united front. It seems like some folks can't resist stirring the pot. Perhaps they feel it's the most effective way to defend the underdog. Sometimes mixing things up does good but in this case it would have been much better to work together.

How did it all start? Alder Zima blames the beginnings on former Mayor Jadin. I don't know the full truth but the "dumbed down" term sheet missing the indemnification line that was presented to the council was incomplete at best. Probably a deception. Maybe even criminal though the federal investigators didn't think so. Certainly the answer Adler Nicholson got to his question-- and I'm paraphrasing it-- asking if there was any way the city could lose money on the deal was incorrect. I'm not even sure who answered him anymore but history has proven them very wrong.

It's unfortunate that the lawyer who screwed up the paperwork on the value didn't have enough insurance to cover his mistake. It's very unfortunate that the legal advice we followed resulted in losses in the court room. I suspect Alder Zima's figures are inflated but it could still turn out to be eight figures by the time we're done paying interest on the debt.

Note to self: Always ask about professional insurance.

Unfortunately, aside from the portion that may be covered by the insurance company of the attorney, this obligation can only land on the backs of we the taxpayers at this point. Luckily this money doesn't come out of the same revenue stream that pays for compensation and services.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Green Bay Police Call Info

The Green Bay Police Department call information has been available for years here.

Lieutenant Bongle of the Community Police sent out an announcement of another site that displays info on a map at My Neighborhood Update. It's nice to see the information in map form!

I need to see if current plans include getting other information-- especially inspection calls-- out there on the same site.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I've been meaning to finish that post on open carry but work here in Pune has been long days. On top of that doing constituent services from 10.5 hours ahead presents it's own special challenges.

I did get one day of sightseeing in Delhi while I was fighting jet lag but my photo sharing site is down so I can't post that link either.

So how about a site that showed up in my feed reader this morning? Any Star Wars IV fans out there? Some of these scenes crack me up.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Twelve Commandments?

Apparently different religions split them up differently to make 10. I don't want to sound flip because there is wisdom to be found in all of mankind's ancient texts but I can't help thinking there just has to be a joke about a Rabbi, a Priest, and a Reverend in this somewhere...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Computer People

Like many people, I tend to have a go to guy (go to person really, but that doesn't sound as good) for most things I need. If not a particular person I usually have a go to organization.

Since moving back to Green Bay, I have gone to Cyberworks for my computer needs. It was the closest place to my old office and I was often in a hurry got in the habit of running there. I was never fully comfortable with the place but it the options here are limited. (Why was I uncomfortable? Well, one example is the time I was WAY over charged for a 20G SCSI hard drive they sold as new that I quickly realized was used when there were files on it.)

The closest place to my new office is Camera Corner/Connecting Point. A few weeks ago I walked in for the first time. What I needed wasn't on the floor so the sales guy checked the back room. He found it but it wasn't on the price list so he just made up a reasonable price on the spot and charged me that.

Tonight I had a minor emergency when I kicked an external drive and it fell two feet. It didn't work anymore and windows reclassified it as an "Unknown USB Device". I could hear something rattling around in there but the only screwdriver I had on hand wasn't small enough to deal with the screws on the enclosure. I called CCCP at 5:03, they told me to come down but they close at 5:30. When I walked up to the service counter 5 minutes later, I said I needed a screwdriver that fits this thing. The young lady staffing the service counter told me that all the technicians were gone and got me an appropriate screwdriver. Once I had the (Cyberworks provided) drive enclosure open I realized that a small bit of it's electronics had busted loose and that the hard drive itself was likely intact. I said I needed a drive enclosure. The poor service counter person-- who clearly thought i was mad scientist crazy or worse after I'd turned her counter in to my workbench-- calmly called a sales guy over and told him my request. He asked IDE or serial ATA? I told him SATA. The thing was in front of me in like 45 seconds. After asking how much it was, I kept on with the mad computer scientist theme and tore in to the box and started transferring the drive in to the new enclosure. The service counter lady asked me if I'd paid for it yet-- all the parts were out of the box at this point covering most of the rest of her counter-- and I said, "I'll take it". While I was putting the whole thing together, the sales guy and I did the business transaction. I apologized to the service counter clerk for taking up her counter and thanked her for the screwdriver. Her response was polite enough but she managed to include that I had 8 minutes left before they closed at 5:30. Five minutes later I handed the screwdriver back to her and was out the door. The drive is again working and (luckily) my data intact.

My sincere thank you Camera Corner/Connecting Point and especially the two folks who dealt professionally with a harried software developer who was in a near panic. I think I have a new go to organization.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

New Green Bay Recycling Guidelines

In anticipation of the coming single stream recycling and carts, Green Bay stopped enforcing the "city container only" rule. It wouldn't have been fair to make someone buy a bin and then charge them again for a cart.

Now that both bins and carts are available, Green Bay Public Works has started to again enforce the recycle bin requirements. You must have one city bin or cart. The 18 gallon bins are $15, the carts are $48. Call 448-3100 for directions on how to get yours. Here is the new policy recently passed unanimously by the Common Council:

a) Continue to work with City residents, to make sure they substantially comply with City recycling ordinances.

b) Maintain the option of City-issued 65-gallon recycling carts and City issued 18-gallon recycling bins, with no other recycling container size options offered by the city.

c) Allow the use of multiple recycling bins. Residents can use non-City issued recycling bins for overflow recycling as long as they first fill one (1) 18-gallon City-issued recycling bin.

d) Allow the use of paper bags as recycling overflow containers for paper and cardboard recycling, when used in conjunction with 18-gallon recycling bins.

e) Prohibit the use of paper bags as overflow containers for co-mingled recyclables (i.e. – aluminum, glass, tin, plastic, etc.) under all circumstances.

f) Allow the use of multiple City-issued recycling tipper carts at the same residence. Residents can only use City-issued recycling tipper carts for the cart option, due to durability concerns of store-bought cars.

g) Prohibit the use of laundry baskets and trash cans as recycling containers.

h) Conduct a review of the solid waste collection ordinance and propose changes to make it consistent with the current recycling program.

I have a cart and it's great to just break down boxes and throw them in with the cans and bottles. If you are interested in getting a larger cart, you can order it online here.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

City's Final Offer Public Record

I gather this info has been getting out in dribs and drabs. I'm wary of violating closed session when I'm not sure something is public record yet. It's been public record since the 8th:

"Ms. Swanson stated that the City did send out what the City believes to be their final offer of the 0%, 1% and 2.5% wage increase over three years. Ms. Swanson stated that the City is waiting to hear a response from the unions. Ms. Swanson stated that a few unions want to bring the proposal to their memberships."

Agree, disagree, whatever. Knowledge is power and I believe all stakeholders should know the facts. We can agree to disagree but we should also have honest discussions and make sure we keep the people we work for and with in the loop.

Unrelated Catchup Posts

The Honourable John Walker makes a point I've made repeatedly over the years. He talks about Respectfulness vs. Civility. What I've always said is, "Respect is earned, courtesy is free." That courtesy is critical when talking to folks with whom you disagree. Without those conversations, there is no way to find common ground and make improvements.

Boycotting the census is a bad move for everyone and an ineffective protest. Besides, if you don't fill out the form then they could send someone by to see who lives there. Stand and be counted so we receive our fair share of monies given out by the federal govt. They are going to spend it somewhere.

I know I just put this on my wall, but it bears repeating. Privacy should be the default setting. You shouldn't have to opt out or go change a default setting to get privacy. But lets face it, privacy isn't as profitable.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

15K for the Childrens Museum

Go here and vote for the pack. If we win the vote, it's 15,000 for the Green Bay Children's Museum project.

Looks like our Mayor traded Peterson. Interesting move, sure hopes it pans out. I haven't even heard of the other guys.

Housing Deals

There seem to be some amazing home values in the Green Bay right now. This four bedroom foreclosure is right behind the bus depot, kitty corner from a green space and listed at $33,000. Looks like it includes appliances but needs new carpets.

Roundabouts and Art

Here's one interesting example. Controversy on top of controversy anyone?

Sunday, August 23, 2009

About time.

Make us proud, Officer Ayres. Thank you for being qualified and willing to blaze a trail. Your journey may be more difficult but it may also be more rewarding.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

This season is going to be GREAT!

I can't wait for the Pack to crush the Vikings.

I haven't looked at the schedule... Hopefully we play them both times before Favre's shoulder goes out in game 8.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

School Texts

A few years back MIT's open courseware initiative started. Basically, it's MIT's class content for free and it can be used by others at no cost.

Now there's a company producing "FlexBooks" for K-12. If the licensing terms are akin to software's FLOSS movement, it may be a heck of a lot cheaper to get these things printed instead of paying production plus royalties to publishers.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Uganda Pics


The patdan gallery is our camera, the markmurchison gallery were taken by our guide Mark. I'm publishing the latter stateside to share with our group because internet access in Uganda is soooo cheap and soooo fast.

(A new cable went live shortly after we got home, so maybe it actually is now...)

Friday, July 31, 2009

Sometimes the old way is better.

In this case, San Francisco has a bunch of insecure card reading parking meters that basically allowed a hacker to figure out how to get free parking at 20000+ meters! Total cost for hardware for unlimited parking? Looks like about $30.

Cool that he figured it out and published it though. There had to be people out there doing it already. I wonder how SF will address it now that it's out? They will need to do something, parking is bad enough in there without people stealing spaces.

Maybe we'll stick with coin only meters around here for a while...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

It's getting loud out there...

Ever wonder what you can do about folks with obnoxiously loud stereos?

If you are in Green Bay, you can fill out a loud stereo complaint form.

A few notes:

* It hasn't ever gotten this far yet, but you should be willing to go to court to testify in case the ticket is contested.

* The sound must be audible from 75 feet away.

* You have to turn it in within 24 hours.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Green Bay Stagnant or Churning?

PG Article on Green Bay's population.

I suspect there's been lots of folks moving out and others coming in to replace them.

Friday, June 26, 2009

NASA has it wrong?

"Buzz Aldrin to NASA: U.S. Space Policy Is on the Wrong Track"

He doesn't pull any punches... "The ­agency’s current Vision for Space Exploration will waste decades and hundreds of billions of dollars trying to reach the moon by 2020—a glorified rehash of what we did 40 years ago."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Word Choice Matters

Dear Representative Hoekstra,

FYI, word choice matters.



Kids Day!

Happy Kids Day in Green Bay everyone!

Press Gannette Coverage

Channel 2 Coverage

A bunch more.

From free movies to free dental care to free lunch with the Packers there are all kinds free stuff for kids in our city today. Get your bracelets from your Neighborhood Association, Resource Center or Green Bay staff people stationed throughout the city.

Wish I could hit some events today but I'm working. Have a blast kids and adults alike!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Friday, June 19, 2009


I'm trying to get to know my neighbors better, are you? Why not check out Juneteenth in Green Bay?

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Lost Neighborhoods

Scary. What a waste. Surely some of these homes could be put to use.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Jobs in downtown Green Bay

Call center jobs aren't typically big money, but they do force the worker to learn people skills and often some technical knowledge. Both can be leveraged in to bigger and better opportunities. If you are still interested, APAC is hiring.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

People Supporting People... coming to Green Bay November 4-6, 2009. I'm looking forward to it!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Blacks abandon San Francisco

So says Michael B. Farrell of the CSM.

The perceptions, economic and other factors that cause people to locate or relocate are interesting to me.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Cheffettas Out of Business

Dang. I liked Cheffettas.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Electronic Voting Machines Fail Again

5K votes off in three precincts almost forces run off. I wonder what went wrong? Hardware error? Software error? Wetware error?

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

WI Bank Repays TARP

According to the article, this is the first of the seventeen WI banks who took TARP money to repay it.

Or something like that, my brain is a little scrambled at the moment. In any case, congratulations to First Manitowoc Bancorp Inc. for being the first to pay off their TARP investment.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Government Transparency & Data

Uncle Sam just put a bunch of stuff online. I haven't had a chance to sift through it yet. There must be something useful in there.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Property Taxes

IME, people really get in the faces of City and County officials when it comes to property taxes. This post is for those people. There are other lines on your property tax bills...

One of those line items just went up 3.3 percent and... "No one spoke at a public hearing that was held before the vote."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Breathalyzer Source Code

I've heard about this trick where folks who get nabbed on DUIs and DWIs get the case thrown out by demanding to see the source code that the breathalyzer runs to measure the alcohol level. Companies usually refuse this request because source code is almost always a tightly held trade secret for proprietary applications. (As opposed to open source applications where the code is available so others can make adaptations and review the functionality.)

The code for the "DRAEGER ALCOTEST 7110 MKIII-C" device was submitted for analysis and the summary paragraph of the report says, "There is no doubt that the Supreme Court should declare this machine to be unreliable. If this happens, based on an agreement entered into over 4 years ago between the State and Draeger, the taxpayers of New Jersey can recover the almost $7 million spent on these machines."

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Message Control Through Volume

Public perception is influenced by emphasizing the points that will win over the audience.

This Whitehouse masterfully works on mass perception by aggregating the points they want emphasized and then linking back to the full report. People are always going to read the summary, not many folks-- often including me-- are going to click through to the full documentation. There's just too much to consume to fully understand the big picture.

On the other hand, the previous Whitehouse worked public opinion through highly disciplined message control. That team only put the information out there that they wanted the public to know. This is another strategy for influencing perception.

Either way, when the beholder doesn't see the whole picture they will draw conclusions based on what they do see. Every team uses these and other strategies to get "friendly" messages in front of the audience.

Sometimes the in the zealousness for victory and success folks go over the line. Here's an article about Merck's efforts to sway perception of the drug ­Vioxx.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fear and Irony

The Whitehouse put out a press release about obsolete and under performing programs to be cut in the budget.

So I go here:

Which points me to here:

Where I get: "File not found."

Too funny.

I like much of what President Obama is doing. Even so, my first thought was that some powerful congressman called and said, "You are cutting WHAT?!" causing the actual document to be hastily pulled.

We spend a great deal as a country. It is good to see efforts to see that we are spending effectively.

Edit: Typo!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Science can be used to make lives better... can also be used frivolously. I'm not sure which one this is yet.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Family Financial Pain Limits Potential

This is happening across America right now.

It doesn't take a study to know that kids who are brought up in an unstable family-- be that from failed parenting, broken family finances, or something else-- are less likely to achieve and more likely to need support and services.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

Wil Wheaton's post is better than anything I could throw together.

Borrowing Money and Competition


Borrowed money can help people and organizations achieve their short term goals but doing so surrenders some ability over the long term.

I try to pay cash now so I have more cash later.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Women's Equal Rights Movement... Afghanistan!

Obama Hires More MAFIAA Guns

Fifth lawyer on board at DoJ.

I understand lawyers have to do what their clients tell them but. I hope I'd resign before going after someone for sharing files to the tune of 200,000USD.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Obama's DoJ gets it wrong

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Or not.

Because the founding fathers didn't have electronic communication, none of us get private electronic communication? That makes no sense. Someone needs to bring forth a constitutional amendment.

Dear DoJ,

Feel free to listen to my private phone calls after you do your job and prove to a judge it's warranted.



Monday, April 6, 2009

Integrated Community Services Moves

Something doesn't seem right here. The people who Administer the Housing Choice Voucher (formerly Section 8) program are moving to a suburb? How many Section 8 clients are there in Ashwaubenon? What about that big building they restored downtown. I wonder if the City or GBHA provided money for that. I wonder if we should be asking for any money back?

Part of me is glad that another community is actually going to share the burden of one of the non-profits that serve financially challenged folks. A bigger part of me wonders exactly how much more difficult it will be for said folks to get to the office sign up.

The last annual report on the website is from 2004 and I don't see minutes or financials anywhere. Is this organization OK? If you are reading this and attend the board meetings, please get in touch and fill me in.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Asthma & Autism caused by flooring?

Maybe. What about the recycled plastics in synthetic carpets? I knew there was a reason granny told me hard wood flooring is the best...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Low Tech Election Fraud on Electronic Machines

Can you imagine having someone change your ballot after you filled it out? If they did this, long prison sentences are very appropriate for all involved. Paper, I like the paper ballots at my polling location.

Godspeed, my friend.

I hope you now have found peace Marty.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Double Header on Teacher Comp

The CSM ran a double header of articles on teacher incentive comp.

It's difficult to figure out who to reward with how much. I strongly believe in compensating everyone fairly as possible ewith available resources be it in government or business. Some folks will work just as hard no matter their compensation, but that doesn't mean they don't deserve what they are worth. I also offering everyone the same compensation can motivate some excellent folks to search for alternative employment. Bonuses are good as long as it doesn't turn out to be a game of favorites. Giving bigger raises to folks who work harder and/or deliver more is also good, again, as long as it's honest. I only have my experiences with the employee-employer relationship and am always interested in learning the stories of other folks.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Jon Stewart Gets Serious - Again

Last time, Jon took the media to task over holding politicians feet to the fire by begging for an honest public debate.

He's done it again and I think everyone should see it. (NSFW! F-word alert!)

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3:

Jim Cramer seems to me a financial expert desperately trying to bring financial knowledge to the masses. I Tivo'd his show for a while but the non-stop gags eventually drove me away. I agree with Stewart when he points out it is unfair to make Cramer the face of the mess we're in. But I also believe the points about most professional financial media and reporters falling down on the job are very, very valid.


Friday, March 13, 2009

Secrecy Indecency

Would someone please explain to me how a copyright treaty can be "classified in the interest of national security pursuant to Executive Order 12958"? when requested by someone utilizing the FOIA? It's a copyright treaty for crying out loud-- or is it?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Link between watching TV and Asthma


I wonder if computer/phone/personal device time has similar consequences? I expect they do.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Invasive Species Convention in Green Bay

I wonder if anyone from the Port of Green Bay will be attending this Wisconsin Lakes Convention?

Friday, March 6, 2009

January Unemployment at 10% in Green Bay

"We continue to have a lot of workers that have, at best, a high school education, and if they want a decent job, they have to do better," [Golembeski] said.

If that's true then we need to ensure our schools are ready to get folks trained for industries that are or soon will be growing and hiring.

Friday, February 27, 2009

How About a Fun Friday?

A few oddities of life photographed by random people along the way.

Two local churches doing the fish thing tonight:

Blessed Sacrament on the corner of Webster and Day

The KC are also putting one on at SS Peter and Paul at 710 N. Baird St.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Designer Babies!

Is this the new evolution? Will it lead to unexpected consequences?

Green House Gas Bummer

No new global warming data.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Carbon Tracking from Space

Sometimes it's hard for a bottom dweller in an ocean of anything to see the big picture. Hopefully, a new perspective can help understanding and acceptance.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

More Police State?

"...a surveillance camera on every street corner in Chicago."

People will protest this move in Chicago but how is it different from an organization putting a private citizen on every corner with a video camera to document something? With cameras in pocket devices these days the people can do this fairly easily. If there is a person on a given corner, there is likely already a camera on that corner too these days. Homes and everything in them (including wireless routers) should be private by default. But public spaces are public so why the privacy expectation? Corporations and agencies are certainly moving this direction already and the police have had great success using recordings from security cameras to track criminals and solve crimes. I need to learn more about this one...

Friday, February 20, 2009

Broken Windows Theory Meets the Scientific Method

And this particular study, he said, is "elegant" in how clearly it demonstrated crime prevention benefits.

Wifi logging

Congress is considering forcing logging for all wireless routers. Including the ones in our homes.

I have handed my mobile to a perfect stranger when they needed to make a phone call. Others have done me the same favor. Thinking back, it seems to happen most often in airports when flight changes unexpectedly occur. Nobody asked for a name or wrote down a description. From time to time someone will even borrow my landline and I've never taken the time to log that.

Would someone please explain why I should have to log my devices and those of my guests?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Facebook Goes Legally Pirate

One of the things I dislike about Facebook is that, like nearly every fad technology before it, it is proprietary. A one way data collector. Even the emails are image files so you can't copy and paste them out. There's no simple, obvious ways to get stuff out of it once you feed it in. For example, your account is presumably yours but they only let you look at the community generated metadata like your links to others or tags in pics. It is what it is. You make a deal with the devil to use these sorts of services.

Well, Facebook has decided that they want the right to basically own your stuff now too. I realize lawyers like to make the law as clear and safe for their clients as possible but should Facebook really have the right to sub license any thing I post to anyone else forever? Do you want an advertiser to spot a pic of your kid and use it in a national media campaign without compensation or even asking permission?

Monday, February 9, 2009

RFID Chips - Stupid Uses

1) In passports.

2) In credit and rebate cards.

3) Anywhere else that privacy might matter.

Smash or nuke these chips if you care about your privacy. It really should be illegal to sell something with a transmitter in it without full disclosure...

Modern Roundabout Videos

How do I drive a roundabout?

How do I NOT drive a roundabout?

Again with the air quality...

"Wisconsin is under an air quality watch through 11 p.m. today, the state Department of Natural Resources said."

Human Trial for Possible HIV Cure

Let's hope that this scourge is cured soon.

It's good to see progress is being made.

Open Source VMWare

Will this make VMWare the defacto standard?

Police Procedures

If picking on certain groups doesn't even work, why do it? Tolerance of the tolerable is good. Diversity is good. It makes us stronger.

I once took a psychology class where they showed a video that clearly demonstrated how different folks perceptions of the same event can be. Basically someone in a crowd fired a weapon and you couldn't tell exactly who but the scene was rife with suggestive clues (both right and wrong). It appears that even false confessions can also corrupt those perceptions.


CBS classics is putting TOS online among other shows.

Some dude robbed a convenience store with a Bat'leth.

Monday, February 2, 2009

DePere Roundabout Backups

Many more folks than normal are using the DePere bridge because 172 is under construction. There was a backup this morning as a result. “It wouldn’t be any better if we had traffic lights at the intersection,” Beiderwieden said. “It probably would be worse.” This is very likely true. Police Chief Beiderwieden is very likely right. Modern roundabouts move more cars and people faster than signalized intersections.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

One week off unpaid at the Press Gannette

CNN reports. Here's the Press' coverage. I wonder how locally owned papers (are there any anywhere anymore?) are holding up? I also wonder, as DVRs and netcasting become more common, how much more locally produced material on TV will disappear? 26 already significantly cut back. Are TV and newspapers just beginning to face the competition and delivery convenience onslaught that music and movies have been dealing with for years?

The internet is a shining silver lining for many but it must seem a dark, turbulent cloud to folks who work in traditional content production and delivery.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Scientists are catching up to something everyone but management knows... cubicle farms hurt productivity.

The Bailout Game

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Want to improve your public speaking? Our local Toastmasters Club might be for you and what better time to introduce yourself?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Twitter as yet another spam vector

It was only a matter of time. While usually just being paranoid I'm always careful not to click on links in facebook, linked in, twitter, and other private networks unless I'm sure they are valid.