Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lost Windows Password?

No problem, I'll give you my secrets if you promise to only use these tools with permission of the computer owner. To do otherwise is morally wrong, not to mention a crime.

Stick an Ophtcrack CD in the drive and turn the computer on. Once it's done crunching, the passwords for all local accounts will probably be on the screen.

For more technical folks, there's my favorite called Offline NT Password & Registry Editor. This one is far more powerful but with that power comes the possibility of accidentally trashing the computer you are trying to access.

I used both of these over the last two days to legally break in to two computers with lost/unknown passwords.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Phone Security

Some people have Android based phones and get applications from the Google Market, other folks have iPhones and install their add-on programs from the Apple Store. Turns out some of those cool apps are sending texts or digging through your personal information. Just like on your computer, only install programs from sources you trust.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Life and Money

Someone was reading Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover in the lunchroom today at work. The book is a very simple, clear read but the plan it lays out is empowering. I think I'm going to read it again.

I don't think Dave's radio show in on Green Bay. But the show archives are online. I love it when a person calls in and yells, "I'm debt free!" and then Dave asks them how they did it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Space Weather Matters

Between the meteors in the short term forecast and the coming increased solar activity which will cause satellite, power and electronic equipment disruptions the space forecast could be better.

Remember folks, never totally depend on electronics. We need to always have backups for important transactions. That includes paper money. That includes paper maps. That includes pretty much paper backups for everything we now track electronically. I'm not even aware of a gas station with the old style pumps and a bank that will let me withdraw funds without using a computer...

Monday, June 14, 2010


Methinks I'll get back to Europe someday. If I do, I'd like to visit the site described in this article.

Friday, June 11, 2010

MPG relativity?

Following along the oil theme... I never really thought about miles/gallon taking relative improvement over the previous vehicle as discussed here. The proposed new fleet standards just got a whole lot less valuable in my mind.

Improved efficiency is good but it seems the bang for the buck is in replacing and improving "guzzlers", no?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Oil Emergency Driving Invention?

Necessity is the mother of invention. Lets home some of these many new ideas out there pan out and get traction so a disaster on this scale never happens again. This one looks pretty darn good in the demo but the skeptic in me wonders if the brown paper under the water isn't hiding a brown tint and, even if it does work, now practically the concept can scale. My thoughts and prayers are with all the folks being hurt by the ongoing disaster.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Police Academy

The GBPD is taking applications for this year's Citizens' Police Academy. I went to the Animal Control session last year and found it interesting and informative. If learning what and how our police do their jobs interests you and you can spare a few hours a week, check it out!

Personally, I'd ask about where the city stands on recording officers in public spaces. As absurd as it sounds, there seems to be a national effort to find ways to fine/harrass/abuse people who document our protectors at work.