Friday, April 23, 2010

Porn at Work

I'm a big proponent of treating people like grownups. Hire the best candidates you can afford, help them accomplish the goals set out for them and stay the hell out of their way so they can get stuff done. If someone betrays that trust, then you let them go and give someone else a shot at the job.

Implicit and, I would think, obvious is that the boss has to check up on things from time to time.

Someone at the SEC totally dropped the ball on the checking up part. Dozens of folks were surfing porn. One guy even had a bunch of "access denied" errors logged for porn. The article doesn't punch in to job specifics, but you have to wonder if these folks were working instead of... well, doing other things on government time how much of the financial disaster could have been averted.

The worst part is how easy it is to check the internet access logs for abuse.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

More Enforcement on Highway 41

Looks like they are going to start cracking down on speeders and tailgaters on highway 41.

Now if only they'd crack down on the people obstructing traffic in the fast lane by doing two MPH faster than the slow lane... Wouldn't that go a long way to cutting down on tailgaters?

Monday, April 19, 2010

Novel Alternative Energy Idea

Cows on treadmills.

Cows get exercise and farmers get electricity. Of course, if it catches on, there will be those who abuse this. Will the energy companies have to start tracking the source of third party electricity sold to them to prevent animal abuse?

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jobs, jobs, jobs

Looks like NWTC has a new program available for those looking for employment.

And don't forget about the Brown County Jobs Center.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


It's too close not to have a recount. I plan to file the paperwork tomorrow afternoon.It's too close not to have a recount. I plan to file the paperwork tomorrow afternoon.

Press Gazette - Fox 11