Monday, March 11, 2013

Mattress Recycling?


And a good thing too. Those hundred pound mattresses take up a ton of space. I had a summer job filling in on city garbage trucks when I was in college. We had a friendly competition for who could stuff the most weight on a truck. Most stuff you just threw in and then ran the hopper once it was full. Couches and other furniture you could use the blade to break down. But when you got mattresses, those were the worst. They just didn't pack down and you knew you had no chance to win that day.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Privacy is Dead- I don't like that.

While I'd want control over my theoretical HR department, I don't have a problem with the efficiencies found with outsourcing very specific, repeatable requests such as verification employment.

What I do have a problem with is when it results in wholesale privacy invasion as described in this article.

The government uses private companies to dodge constitutional protections as well. If someone has a file on me, I should have the right to at least SEE what's in it for free. Though, I'd prefer that sharing information about private individuals was an opt-in thing by default.