Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Criticism and Reaction...

...will it lead to face to face criticism?

It could be a coincidence or it could be that a little bit of pants on fire criticism has gone a long way.

It's good, of course, that Rep. Ribble is interacting with the public in open forums in public places without an entry fee. It'll be interesting to see if the obnoxious from the left frenzy on him like the obnoxious from the right TEA partiers did on Rep. Kagen during the health care insanity. If the nutty left gets as loud as the nutty right did, there will be city halls across the district where no work is getting done.

Will there be questions about where he lived and lives? I hope not, it didn't get traction in the election last time when he rented a college kid apartment in DePere and frequently changed his stated home city at events based on the audience. It seems like a stupid place for the Dems to waste energy this time.

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