Sunday, July 17, 2011

Run for the Middle

Dear Governor,

Your recent run for the middle is way too little and way too late. A significant portion of the population believes you lied your way in to office and, frankly, they have a point. A not quite as significant chunk of the population genuinely questions your sanity. Yes, that is how far outside expectations you went and people are angry. Very angry.

Your political capital account is overspent in to dark red negative territory. I can imagine genuine acts of honest governing-- bold moves to the center that would help. I cannot imagine your base support would survive that. So, you'll undertake token actions and blow them up in the press. You've painted yourself in to an extreme right corner and now you'll have to live with it, Governor. I look forward to voting against you early next year.

These are big issues and the the ideas and alternatives should have been genuinely and honestly discussed in the public square. Had your rhetoric been even a bit closer to what you planned to do you might still be governor. But either way, had your campaign poetry actually had anything to do with your Governing prose, you wouldn't be losing your party's Senate majority and facing recall.



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