Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ten million users in 16 days. That's impressive.

Hardly an accident:

* Apparently Google is paying minor celebrities to post and participate. Perhaps that's what's behind Linus and Wil posting so much?

* They also seem to be reallocating resources internally base on what I'm seeing in public employee posts. For example, Steve Yegge was apparently asked to work on social stuff.

* Google seems almost Microsoftesque in it's persistence in this area. GChat, Orkut, and Buzz come to mind and I think they are going to keep at it until they get it right. Unlike Microsoft, they seem willing to try totally new approaches instead of forcefully evolving their old products when they don't work or get uptake.

Be interesting to see if GOOG's application developer governance and user privacy enforcement will be less lazy and evil than FB's.

In any case, Google Plus is a smidge rough yet but it's growing on me.

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