Friday, April 19, 2013

Government Overthrow?

The gun lovers think it'll be taking away guns that brings us to revolution.

I beg to differ, I think this trend explains what puts us on a collision course with unrest:

To me, income is income.

  • Wealth transfer due to death should be taxed as income. I understand this will force liquidation of the family farms and other businesses. I also understand it will begin to break down the forming aristocracy and return us to a meritocratic society.
  • If corporations share legal rights with individuals, then they should share the same income tax rates too. Make compensation of all citizens (salary and benefits) 100% tax deductible up to 100k or 10x the poverty rate or something.
  • Flatten the tax rate, give us all, including the corporations, the fist 40k tax free and only tax income earned above that amount.
  • Other policies that free up wealth and steer it toward providing opportunity for people.

  • Why? While it would cause quite a stir if government began to crack down on guns for real, I don't think it would be enough to stir the population to rebellion. When the have-nots begin to despair because they come to believe that there are so many resources in the hands of the few that it is impossible to find a job or even take a hand out to eat or feed your children, that's when there will be revolution. I'm not opposed to someone earning, especially if they are creating. I am opposed to people who make money off money having a lower tax rate. I am opposed to aristocracy in the United States. Nobody should be rich just because their great, great, grandparent was and the family hired good money managers. That just doesn't benefit society in any way I can see.

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