Sunday, October 2, 2011

Phone Virii and Other Madness

Yesterday I get this text message with a lewdly suggestive subject line. Since I know the from number to belong to a religious right women, I'm guessing her phone got infected with text virus and that virus sent copies of itself out to everyone in her address book. It used to happen with Microsoft Windows/Outlook emailing all the time back in the 1990s.

Today, I spot this article covering how any app running on an HTC with internet access gets access to much more private info. HTC needs to lock their version of Android down or I'll not consider them for my next phone. Especially after they caved in to Microsoft patent threats.

We all need to remember that these smart phones aren't just hard-coded firmware like your father's Nokia. Smart phones are are full blown computers and we all need to realize they can and do have the same weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It's only a matter of time until we see security and antivirus tools offered in the App Stores and Markets.

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