Friday, September 9, 2011

Work Computer Use Appropriateness

Once upon a time while sitting in a server room without a phone I sent a pop up stating, "Hey man, how's it going?" to every workstation in two very large geographic sites for a very, very large chip making company. Trust me, you know their name. The headquarters was in one of those geographies. Odds are at least some of the executive staff got it. The message was supposed to go to fellow contractor rpetrix who belonged to domain02. Unfortunately when I sent it to domain02\rpetrix it went to everyone logged in to domain02. Rpetrix later told me he saw and heard it popping up on screen after screen on his floor. I was very lucky I wasn't fired. I know it was discussed. I don't know why it never happened. I just kept working and felt grateful when the ax never came.

I was reminded of that when I came across a story that stated in part that, "A low-level state employee was fired Thursday after he sent an email to...all employees at the agency’s headquarters..." The story went on to say the employee was terminated within hours. I understand why some people think of their work email is theirs. It's simply not. Nor is it ever appropriate for a junior employee to send an unrequested email to the entire organization. Email is an employer resource and I think it's appropriate when management disciplines someone sending spam using work resources.

On the other hand, the sanction does seem rash and heavy handed due to the message. Especially since this guy undoubtedly thinks he was trying to do something good for his fellow citizens. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if the spin doctors failed to mention that the agency HQ is five people or some other relevant point that makes the government provided talking points half true. Better to wait three weeks and can him for being late or some other civil service violation... why make a martyr? Or better yet, why couldn't someone sit down with this guy and have a chat about use expectations?

Regarding the government wanting people to pay for their IDs, is anyone surprised? That's revenue DMV collected in the past. Of course they want to keep collecting it.

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