iPhone clearly dying. Apple cloud account overstuffed. What about those pictures? How to mount an iPhone 6 on Ubuntu 18.04 with thanks http://itsonlycode.blogspot.com/2017/07/linux-mint-mount-your-iphone-like.html and https://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/linux-iphone-6s-ios-11.html.
1) Connect ithing 2) On ithing screen trust computer 3: $ idevicepair pair SUCCESS: Paired with device ...
NOTE: If you forgot to step 2, you get: ERROR: Could not validate with device 175e0db3db5e06bf3bd0f4a2eb302200762aecd1 because a passcode is set. Please enter the passcode on the device and retry.
4: $ mkdir ~/mnt/ithing 5: $ ifuse ~/mnt/ithing/ 6: $ cd ~/mnt/ithing 7: ls Books Downloads MediaAnalysis PhotoStreamsData Radio DCIM iTunes_Control PhotoData Purchases Recordings
No idea what DCIM means but that's what the pics and vids have been under on every ithing and android I've ever used. Once complete, don't forget to unmount:
8: $ fusermount -u ~/mnt/ithing/