Saturday, January 29, 2011

Labrador Retrievers

I'm probably way behind the curve on this but I found it pretty funny.

That guy in the lower right seems to be the happiest of the bunch!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Candidate Forums!

Right or left? Democrat or Republican? Conservative or Progressive? Statist or Teabagger? These labels may or may not matter to you. What matters most is who you think will be the best to serve our community when you cast your vote. Come and get informed!

The West side Green Bay Mayoral Candidate forum is Wednesday this week.

January 26, 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Franklin Middle School
1234 W. Mason St. (Use entrance on Lore Ln.)
Green Bay WI

By way of the Green Bay TEA Party web site, the N.E.W. PATRIOTS (uppercase theirs, not mine) group are hosting a forum for County Executive during their regular meeting.

Tuesday, February 8th - 7 PM
Evergreen Bar & Grill
7075 Morrison Rd
Greenleaf WI

There was press at the last Mayoral forum, hopefully there will be again as well as at the Exec forum too. Ideally these things would be recorded and aired on PBS or channel 4 but methinks someone might show up with a cam and post on the web again.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Paying for AOL

I knew a few folks still send money to AOL but had no idea it is this bad. Folks, please check with your friends using email addresses-- especial older parents and grandparents-- they may be wasting money on this. AOL email addresses are free and have been for a long, long time...

If I understand this right, AOL still charges everyone who started on dial-up a monthly subscription even though most of them are using a broadband provider now. They are charging folks for a service almost no one has used in years-- it makes all kinds of sense on spreadsheets and balance sheets but no moral sense what-so-ever. This company survives on an income stream it doesn't deserve that was initially built on what must be the single most wasteful diskette and CD based marketing campaign ever undertaken.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Evans for Mayor?

It probably cost me more than six votes when my opponent lied about the Zippin Pippin project. I would very much like to see Supervisor Evans' documents.

Concerns raised about Zippin Pippin:

I wonder how much rent his campaign payed to use that Brown County committee room for a press conference that has nothing to do with county government?

Sunday, January 16, 2011

FaceBook Privacy

The folks over at Naked Security report that FB has made it possible for developers of "third party applications" to access your phone numbers and addresses. Hell, the fine folks at FaceBook even provide detailed instructions! Yeah, I'm sure most people want the makers of FarmVille, Mafia Wars, Bejewel or any other application to sell their info to some telemarketer.

If you want advice on how much to put out there and how to lock your FB profile down, check this out. Personally, I have third party apps turned off.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Zodiac Sign?

I'm not a Sagittarius anymore? Apparently my new sign is a worm wrapped around a stick... I miss my hoofs and bow and arrow!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

No Snow In FL...

...but the other 49 states all have the white stuff on the ground! I wonder if this is a record? I wonder if all 50 states have ever had snow on the ground at the same time? I wonder... but not enough to actually go to a search engine and look.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Two Mayoral Events!

In addition to the forum listed in my last link. There is another forum scheduled:

Wednesday, January 26 · 7:00pm - 8:30pm, Franklin Middle School
1234 W. Mason St. (Use entrance on Lore Ln.)

This will be the second of 2 mayoral candidate forums hosted by the Green Bay Public Schools and several neighborhood associations. All seven candidates are invited. There will be a moderator and time keeper.

Following the panel, there will be a half hour of informal conversation among candidates and attendees.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Green Bay Mayoral Debate

Perhaps you like current mayor? Maybe you think it is time for a change? Perhaps you think it's past time for a woman's perspective on the second floor? What about the guy who filed papers but doesn't even live in the city? I'm sure someone will ask him about that!

The council writes the laws but the mayor is the manager of the city. Do you care about jobs, police, fire, streets, garbage, transit or taxes? Come find out what the candidates have to say Thursday, January 13 from 7:00pm to 8:30pm at Green Bay East High School.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

IB at West

I have been suggesting for years that the way to turn around the reputations of the Green Bay near downtown schools is to move all of the AP classes there. An extreme jolt, no doubt, but I still believe it would have turned the public perceptions of the schools around.

West High is starting to offer an International Baccalaureate curriculum. Green Bay west has arguably the worst reputation in Green Bay but now there is a reason for the college bound to go there. I'm sure many kids would like to start college as sophomores. There's no doubt many parental budgets would appreciate it. This might even draw families back who are currently transferring their kids to suburbia. (Yes, I'm looking at you Ashwaubenon.)

What a great idea, let's hope the Green Bay school district knocks it out of the park with this one. Find out more about IB at 7:00 PM on Thursday, January 20, at Green Bay West High School, 966 Shawano Avenue in the auditorium.

I wonder if this will start to break up the geographical school districting within the Green Bay system?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Under-reported stories? has a list of what they call the Top 25 Censored Stories. There may be an agenda here-- three of the top five are about the United States Armed Forces, several others about the President Obama-- but it's still interesting food for thought.

Our military is huge, so huge there is a lot to talk about, no doubt. I wonder what unemployment would be like if the USA military became primarily a defensive entity instead of an instrument of foreign policy?