Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hmong Relocation

Ooops, had this one saved as a draft for a while.

When someone fights on your side in a war in a war you lose, you shouldn't let them get persecuted.

I hope everyone can spare thoughts and prayers for these folks who are being forcibly relocated.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

A Free Iran

While a fraction of Americans gnash our teeth about health insurance the Iranian people struggle for their basic freedoms. Will the theocracy end? What government system would replace it?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

HP Computers are Racist?

Pretty tough for an object to be racist but it sure seems like HP's new tracking webcam solution wasn't designed or tested with black folks in mind.

As someone who has been working in the field for many years now, I can state that black folks seem to be very underrepresented in the rank and file of technology workers. With the variation in skin tones and facial structures you will never get a tracking camera to capture everyone but apparently failing to track such huge portions of the American and world populations... Wow, what a mistake. Hopefully the tech companies take note and revise their testing matrices.

I bet some folks of African descent were just transferred in to or hired by HP's Quality Assurance department for this product and that the next version will work better for everyone.

Friday, December 18, 2009


Some people need extra work to supplement holiday spending. In this economy, some folks just need work.

Someone passed along 1150's story covering hiring by Uncle Sam's Census Department. A great way to serve your country and make some money! Here's the official posting.

Unemployment is high but there are jobs out there. Here's the Press Gannett's jobs site. And here's the State of WI site.

The site is currently down but At Issue host Ben Marens of Wisconsin Public Radio also hosts a Job Line once a month. It's quite an opportunity to sell yourself to a large audience. Some do well, some not so much-- please consider practicing your pitch a bit before you call in. (Looks like Ben's site is currently down, in the meantime here's the google cache.)

I believe that everyone willing to work should have the opportunity. Good luck. Even though it can be hard, keep trying until you get a yes!

Donation Matching

A sincere thank you to the anonymous donors helping out in these tough economic times.

Freedom House is struggling with a budget shortfall and someone has stepped up to match donations

Also anonymous is the donor matching red kettle contributions for the Salvation Army

I hope you are in a position to consider taking advantage of these opportunities to make your dollars count double.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

U-turns legal!

Love em or hate em, u-turns will now be legal in WI. This was just sent out by the Chief of Police:

2009 Wisconsin Act 97
Effective Date: January 1, 2010
Current law prohibits U-turns at all controlled intersections. Beginning 1/1/2010, Wisconsin Act 97 will permit U-turns at controlled intersections UNLESS signs are installed to indicate the maneuver is prohibited by the unit of government responsibility for maintaining the intersection (state, county, municipality).

U-turns will have to be made from the leftmost turn lane in the same fashion as a conventional left turn. Vehicles on the intersecting street attempting to turn right-on-red must yield to the U-turning vehicle.

No backing will be permitted as part of the U-turn, so drivers will have to be familiar with their vehicle’s turning radius. U-turns will also be prohibited on curves and hillcrests where visibility is less than 500 feet.

The new U-turn law will help traffic engineers in controlling traffic on divided highways. It will also reduce issues/costs associated with condemnation where highway projects result in median closings, since reasonable access to businesses and residences across the highway median should now be possible via U-turns.

Also under Wisconsin Act 97, beginning 1/1/2010, passing a left-turning vehicle on the right using a PAVED shoulder will be permitted. This reverses the 2001 Kaufman v. Postle decision.

This does NOT mean that a driver can pass a slower-moving vehicle on the right using the shoulder – the vehicle being passed MUST be making a left turn.

Also, the vehicle making the pass on the right MUST keep all four wheels on the pavement or paved shoulder.

I wonder how many "no u-turn" sign requests will come through the Traffic Commission? And what about those few places where we have "right turn on green arrow only" signs, will u-turns technically be legal or is that a form of left turn?

Sunday, December 13, 2009


Help the Green Bay Fire Department bring home a $10,000.00 fire safety award by filling out a survey. Time is running out before the end of the year so go fill out ten multiple choice questions about fire safety and help bring home that ten grand!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Firearm Discharge Rules

Assistant City Attorney Wachowicz wrote an article for the East Shore Drive Neighborhood Association newsletter about the hunting situation. Discharge of a firearm within the East Shore Drive and Nicolet Drive Neighborhood Associations illegal per Green Bay ordinance 27.603.

Police Chief Arts sends out this summary of the rules which states, "They must be however 200 feet away from waterline where it is zoned residential."

While the city ends at the water line, Brown County ordinance (31.02(3)) says it's a violation when someone, "Engages in the discharging of a firearm in the waters of Green Bay within the geographic limits of Brown County in that area; which is within 100 feet of the bulkhead shoreline as determined by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and also which is located adjacent to shorelands zoned residential by the adjoining municipality." My understanding is that the bulkhead line is the middle of the dike in most places but only west of about the 2700 block of East Shore Drive. The county will have all the details on this one...

Of course, The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has laws covering hunting. Also, here's a list of hunting seasons.

So what happens when someone violates the law? There are those few who choose to ignore or stretch the law but most are simply unaware that there are any applicable local laws. In the past, I have printed out a copy of the city ordinance and hand delivered it. I know that other constituents have also approached hunters and politely let them know that they are breaking the law when shooting while from the land. Ignorance of the law is no excuse but education of the law can bring the desired results more quickly. It can also be an uncomfortable situation. Don't try it if you are too uncomfortable or fear for your safety!

To report violations of the city or county ordinances, contact the Green Bay Police Department 448-3200. Green Bay Officers are authorized to enforce county ordinances each year. If it's an emergency situation call 911 instead.

The Wisconsin DNR phone number for questitons is 1-888-WDNRINFo (1-888-936-7463). The 24 hour tipline to report violations is 1-800-TIP-WDNR (1-800-847-9367).

The Chief of Police has designated Commander Lisa Sterr (rhymes with chair) as the point person for this issue. If you have concerns about enforcement please feel free to contact the Commander at or her direct line 448-3186. Of course, you can contact me as well. If the violation is ongoing, please call the police first!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Most Wanted

Here's the Green Bay 10 most wanted list

Here's Brown County's 10 most wanted. One wonders at the odds defied that the ten most wanted people by a single law enforcement agency serving a diverse citizenry would all apparently be Hispanic/Latino...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Jobs - Good and Bad News

GP is laying off 158.

We won the VA Center. Construction jobs during the build and then 200 jobs to staff.

Google CEO Speech Commentary

Google does seems to be slowly taking over the world. They build the fastest, cleanest, most useful products. But they also keep track of everything. Now their offering a free DNS service... that means not only will they have access to your entire search history but every domain you've visited.

It's good to see someone out there poking a little fun at the goog but making some serious points along the way.

Google Wave

Based on the demo it looks like real time chat combined with email. Wonder what else it can do?

Should be interesting to play with this thing if I can find the time. Hope google doesn't throw me out of the limited beta if it turns out I don't.