Sunday, August 31, 2008

No One Withdraws from Our Checking Account but Me and My SO

Authorizing any institution to pull cash out of your account is insane.

Most folks should probably be keeping track of and managing your revenues and expenses, it's just too dangerous for someone to have access to your account. What if they make a mistake? What if they overcharge you and you don't notice until the bank statement comes after the 15 day deadline for appealing? That money is GONE. You might get it back, eventually...

What if a pipe in that cottage up north and you have an unexpected $3000.00 water bill? I know I'd rather call them up and talk about how to pay the bill than already have the money gone from my account.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Basic Science Isn't Profitable...

...when you are stuck under quarterly earnings calls, apparently. I'm saddened and surprised it lasted this long.

I wonder if this comment on slashdot could be true. Maybe given India and China's standard high school education superiority.

Diebold's Voting Machine Update

Security idol Bruce Schneier posts about voting machine maker Diebold. Glad to see someone is trying to get their money back.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Voting Machines

This is the sort of thing you end up with when you hire unqualified people to build something because it's "simple". The security on these things is frighteningly lame. Voting without a paper-trail is INSANE because, without physical ballots, there CAN BE NO RECOUNT of any vote.

I've had one professional interaction with Diebold. They sucked as much as you might expect. They believe in security through obscurity. Presumably-- and the many voting machine stories out there support this-- to the in place of ACTUAL security.

Diebold isn't the only vendor selling crap as voting machines either. Google it to learn more.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Voting Machine Sanity... finally setting in. Scrapping these useless machine is probably the way to go. I guess that would represent the final stage of grief, acceptance.

I wish the officials who wrongfully threw 3B at the corporate world to solve the problem without any sane guidance would now legislate refunds of that money.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

XP still selling

Despite it's EOL announcement, Windows XP is still in pretty dang high demand. Looks like Microsoft's policy of selling a license for the newest version and letting the customer use an older version might bite them this time.

Friday, August 8, 2008